+31 513465477

Uniting everyone, everything, everywhere.

Worldwide sustainable secure clamping & fixing

Shortcut to your safe connection

mm inch

Private label

Private label

Tridon® offers its customers a private label service, where our customers benefit from of our high-quality products while distributing them under their own label. We distinguish hard and soft private labels, to give you a choice as to how you would like your brand name to be displayed on the product.

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Sometimes the Tridon® fundamentals do not offer the right size for your specific application. Therefore, Tridon® offers a special collection. These are products from our Tridon® fundamentals range, with a specific diameter band width or material that fall outside the norms of our Tridon® fundamentals collection.

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Technical wholesaler

Technical wholesalers are indispensable suppliers for professionals in various fields. Their customers expect the right product, in the best possible packaging size for them. Tridon® offers the ideal services that benefit our technical wholesaler clients!

Custom packaging
Many products in stock
Large product portfolio

Years of experience in your industry

Tridon® operates in various markets, ranging from renewable energy to mobility and transportation. The market selection highlighted below is just a sample of our reach. Our goal is to offer each customer a fitting solution for their challenges regardless of the industry they are working in.

Our latest e-books

Sealing fundamentals

Everything you need to know about hoses and couplings

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Everything about Tridon clamps in the windpower industry.

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Our vision on the future of agriculture and the use of our clamps in this industry.

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