Renewable energy

Our environment is changing, and sources of renewable energy are starting to replace fossil fuels. In solar and water power systems as well as wind-energy technology, mounting clamps are used to assure the correct operation of the rotation system. Hose clamps are used for the cooling and ventilation systems. Even though Tridon® products are mostly invisible in this industry, they are indispensable. Providing products that are used in the renewable energy sector is something Tridon® Industries values a great deal. With our ISO 14001 certification we are always looking at opportunities to contribute as a company to a sustainable environment.

solar panels


Solar-energy technology has developed tremendously over the years. The solar panels in the solar fields that are being developed all around the world use a system that helps the panels rotate with the rotation of the sun. Tridon® mounting clamps and brackets are used in this rotation system for solid fixing. Continuous development in this field promises even more clamping and fixing opportunities in the future.

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wind turbine


Tridon® Industries offers clamping and fixing solutions for both direct drive and gear drive systems in wind energy. With users including Siemens Gamesa and Vestas, we have already worked on several interesting cases and solutions. Will you bring us your next challenge?

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water power plant


A clean supply of water every day is not as common as we might think. The production and transportation of clean water to millions of houses requires very specific hose clamps that offer ideal fixation while simultaneously preventing leakage. Besides this application, Tridon® clamps are also used in water power plants. Read more about Tridon® products in the water supply industry.

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