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Tridon® Industries does not exclude any possible challenges from their business. We like to find new ways to apply our products, whether that is with products from our Tridon® fundamentals range or whether it is a brain teaser for our engineers. Let us know if you have an interesting case for us to work on! We are eager to meet you.

Tridon® clamps in box

Not just a hose clamp

A number of our clients at Tridon® do not use our hose clamps for hoses. There are many more possible applications such as exhausts, cylinder tri-packs, earthing, antennas, low-pressure pipe connectors etc. Please contact us if you have any questions about our products and the possible applications, we are happy to help.

Metal band

Custom products

Sometimes a problem is so specific that it requires a solution that does not yet exist. Our engineers love these kinds of challenges, and are happy to help you out. Are you wondering what the best solution is for you? Contact us and we will review your problem together, to find a fitting solution!

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